Friday, February 27, 2009
Fibromyalgia - Acupuncture & Energy Therapy/EFT
In our pursuit of pain relief, fibromyalgia and other chronic pain patients are always looking for something better when it comes to treatment. Most of the time, drugs are not sufficient, and we are looking at alternative ways to treat our pain. Acupuncture and Energy Therapy (Emotional Freedom Techniques) are two methods that have shown some benefit for chronic pain patients. Acupuncture is an important part of traditional oriental medicine (TOM). Acupuncture is thought to have originated in China and is most commonly associated with the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Different types of acupuncture (Japanese, Korean, and classical Chinese acupuncture) are practiced worldwide. Acupuncture involves the inclusion of thin needles at specific points (acupoints), which is primarily along the meridians. Are interconnected channels or meridians throughout the body and the theory is that these meridians hold life energy ( "Chi"), which circulates through the body. This energy is of crucial importance for the overall health and wellbeing. When the energy flow is blocked, it can lead to pain and health problems. There are twelve major energy meridians and eight in the "inner way". The use of acupuncture stimulates certain points in the energy channels, restoring a healthy flow and balance sheet. Tom is becoming increasingly popular for the treatment of fibromyalgia in the United States to relieve chronic pain and FM symptoms, together with the over-lapping conditions we face. It is also used for a variety of other conditions: sinusitis, colds, bronchitis, asthma, conjunctivitis (pink eye), nearsightedness and cataracts, tooth pain, neurological and musculoskeletal disorders including paralysis after a stroke, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, sciatica, osteoarthritis. Theory suggests that many emotional and mental disorders can be treated by acupuncture, which can help with addictions, phobias, compulsive behavior, eating disorders, and anxiety. Acupuncture may also be beneficial when used in conjunction with conventional medicine for acute and chronic illness. It is also considered a form of preventive medicine. The National Institutes of Health a statement, indicating that acupuncture seems to be most useful for musculoskeletal pain and nausea. More research is being done to improve the effectiveness of acupuncture for treating fibromyalgia and to prevent and possibly other conditions. In a Mayo Clinic Proceedings (June issue) study, he says that acupuncture can relieve fatigue and anxiety in the FM patients. Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is a form of psychological acupressure. The basic theory of energy therapy, or EFT is that all the negative emotional and physiological issues are supported by an interruption of supply of energy system. This is the same energy, the meridians, which is used in acupuncture. EFT can be used for pain relief, but also in theory, you have to determine the main cause of the pain - the emotional side of pain. It is an undeniable link between our emotions and our physical body. FM patients have to do with the stress and demands of daily life like everyone else, but sometimes our coping mechanisms of Whack, so to speak. The pressure, stress and anxiety builds up, and we are left feeling like everything is out of control. We feel helpless and overwhelmed. In some patients, there is often a traumatic event that sparked their inability to cope, whether it be a physical or emotional trauma, they can contact us with the feeling of hopelessness. EFT is a gentle and noninvasive tool to mitigate the perception and the reality of stress. The main objectives of the EFT, to negative emotions, reduce food cravings, reduce or eliminate pain and to teach positive goals. This is done by the practitioner tapping the fingertips on the meridians on the head and chest while you're on your emotional barriers along with verbalising positive confirmation. In theory, the combination of these things helps to remove the emotional barriers from the energy and reestablishes your Mind / Body Balance. This means that fibromyalgia is "all in your head"! No one can rightly say that! It is simply a fact that our emotional health is vital for our physical health and healing. You can create your eating habits and lifestyle, but the body can not completely heal, without the emotional barriers that you travel.
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